What Causes Gastrointestinal Disorders?

Gastrointestinal disorders can be the result of certain reactions to foods you eat or medications you take. Other common causes of gastrointestinal disorders include:

  • Infections
  • Poor nutrition
  • Inflammation
  • Immunological disorders
  • Neurological issues

You can also suffer persistent gastrointestinal issues due to elevated levels of stress.

How Do Hormonal Imbalances Affect The Gastrointestinal Tract?

Gastrointestinal Disorders Specialist Weston FL

Your thyroid produces hormones that control your body's metabolism. When dysfunction in your thyroid, you can experience a variety of gastrointestinal symptoms, including irritable bowels, chronic diarrhea, and constipation.

You may also have problems in your gastrointestinal tract if you have thyroid-related autoimmune disorders, such as Hashimoto's disease.

Likewise, imbalances of estrogen and progesterone, the 'female' hormones, can influence the movement of food through the intestines, either by increasing motility, and thereby causing diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain or by slowing motility and causing bloating and constipation.

What Are The Symptoms Of Gastrointestinal Disorders?

Depending on the nature of your gastrointestinal disorder, your symptoms could include:

  • Gas
  • Bloating
  • Constipation
  • Acid reflux
  • Heartburn
  • Diarrhea
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea and vomiting

Symptoms can range from mild and occasional to severe and chronic. Your symptoms can also worsen when you eat certain foods or take certain medications, especially if you have allergies or sensitivities to their ingredients.

How Are Gastrointestinal Disorders Diagnosed?

Gastrointestinal Problems

At Healthpark Medical Center, the experienced team of physicians will review your medical and family history, as well as your symptoms to determine the root cause of your gastrointestinal issues.

Your physician will perform specialized testing to determine if there are sensitivities or allergies to foods as well as comprehensive stool testing to analyze the intestinal microbiome.

Blood work may also be necessary to complete the evaluation.

What Treatment Option Are Available For Gastrointestinal Disorders?

The staff at Healthpark Medical Center Inc. believes in the importance of treating the root cause of your gastrointestinal issues. Initially, treatment options may include making necessary lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking, eating a fresh healthy diet, and getting enough exercise.

Your physician at Healthpark Medical Center Inc. will work with you to create a personalized nutrition plan that takes into account any food sensitivities or allergies that might be triggering your gastrointestinal issues. They can also help you to develop strategies to avoid certain foods or medications to prevent future flare-ups of digestive issues.

Request Your Consultation Today!

To request your consultation, contact us online or call (954) 451-3869.